

Addressing homelessness requires a multifaceted approach focused on transparency, accountability, and empowering individuals. My comprehensive plan tackles the root causes of homelessness while ensuring the responsible use of funds and resources to provide effective solutions.

Fiscal Accountability and Transparency

  • Track down the $531 million spent in the FY 2023 city budget.
  • Hold agencies/departments/nonprofits accountable for their spending.
  • Implement a five-year ban on nonprofits and agencies that cannot account for funds properly.
  • Create new criteria for agencies/nonprofits that empower aid recipients.

Public Safety and Health

  • Address public safety issues related to homeless encampments.
  • Address public health issues within homeless encampments.
  • Fully fund Portland Street Response for 24-hour operations.
  • Call to reopen mental health facilities throughout the city, county, and state.

Homeless Services and Empowerment

  • Emphasize that homeless people should have sovereignty over their lives and feel empowered.
  • Require active participation in self-improvement.
  • Use the bully pulpit to speak on the deflection center and the joint homeless task force.

Let's Connect for a Better Portland

I would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, suggestions, or want to get involved in the campaign, your input is invaluable. Reach out and let's work together to make Portland thrive.